

I ran into this very interesting business idea yesterday: Tweets on Tees prints crowd-picked tweets on T-shirts like this one and sells them on the net. To make their business even more trendy, people who post the elected phrases get awarded 500 bucks. Not a bad deal, huh?


Birds on branches...

Some cute hand drawn illustration birds from Deadpan Alley's Shop at Etsy. Her illustrations are drawn on old book pages, creating a certain vintage look. Simple and lovely.


Sweet little bags!

I found these cute little bags from Linda at Dawanda.
They come from Norway... aren't they just lovely?

My birds!

So I finally got some time to post some pics of my first sewn birds, with a little personal touch: a lace.
The key here is finding the right contrasting fabrics to create your bird.
I'm so in love with making them (it is so easy to sew!) that we'll probably be seeing much of them in the next few weeks...

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